• Become a Franchise
  • Term & Condition

    1. The Agreement is applicable to any customer when they visit or access any part of the Platform or utilize the "Green Shakti" Services, such persons are referred to as users, which include without limitation users who are browsers, Suppliers, Reseller other purchaser or contributors of content (collectively, "User").
    2. The Agreement between User and Company is effective on the date on which the Application is downloaded the "Green Shakti" app/Website is accessed by User and merchant and/or the date on which terms of Agreement are updated, creating a legally binding arrangement between the User or merchant and the Company.
    3. It is the responsibility of the Users and merchant to check Term & Condition page periodically for changes. The Users’ continued use of or access to the Application following the posting of any changes constitutes acceptance of those changes.
      • Any person, who wishes to work as BTM, would be required to purchase a minimum of one unit of Direct Selling Product Costing Rs. 3,600/- only.
      • For information on overall business structure, please refer Para-A.
      • The consideration related to team business shall be given to the first introducer BTM, who has introduced any investor / BTM & to whom investor / BTM has also assumed & accepted his introducer BTM, online.
      • The Consideration related to team business shall be given to the first Introducer BTM, on the Invested Amount which is deposited by the investor / BTM, to whom first introducer BTM, has introduced.
      • The accidental Insurance would be done/renewed by the Green Shakti only of the BTM's, who have generated any direct business in the particular year.
      • Accidental Insurance would be given to all BTM's only when they have achieved their targets related to their respective levels.
      • All Consideration as reflected here, would be given only after 30 days of each month and TDS, Income-Tax, GST Tax as applicable & Admin Charge@5% on consideration, Trust charge 5%, shall be charged from BTM.
      • All Consideration slabs & contents as shown here, can be modified/re-structured by Green Shakti Gauseva Private Limited any time without any prior intimation.
      • For any kind of infrastructural support or benefits. the BTM shall have to obtain prior approval from his introducer BTM.
      • The authority of the BTM shall be limited to his level/designation only, in respect of the consideration Structure as mentioned in Para A of the consideration Structure and he shall not be authorized to exercise rights/powers beyond his designation/level.
      • The BTM at a respective level would be entitled only to resolve the issues of the BTMs introduced by him in his consortium.
      • In case of any grievances/disputes, which are not being resolved at the Introducer BTM's level, in such case the concerned BTM can contact the Customer Care Officer of the company or write a mail to the company at customercare@greenshakti.in
      • The BTM has to follow the company's rules & regulations, which can be restructured/ modified at any time without prior intimation.
      • Any dispute will be settled under the jurisdiction of Agra.